Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone announces that a meeting shall be held of the Suffolk County Shared Services Panel at 10 a.m. on Sept. 12, 2018, at the West Sayville Golf Course, 200 Montauk Highway, West Sayville, N.Y.
This is a statutorily required meeting under New York State law.
Village Mayors and Town Supervisors, by statute, are mandatory members of this panel and proxy voting for them is not permitted.
School Districts, Fire Districts, Library Districts or other districts which have opted in to this panel must advise the Office of County Executive prior to the meeting the name of the designated representative of your district. Proxy voting is not permitted for such representatives. However, we will have the capacity to allow for attendance and voting via video conference. Please indicate in your RSVP if you would intend to attend and vote via video conference.
The agenda for this meeting shall include a vote on the annual Suffolk County Shared Services Plan (SuffolkShare).